Architecture Prints from Scientific America c. 1880s
Architecture Prints
from Scientific America
(United States, 1880s-1890s)
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In the late 1800s, Scientific American magazine published an edition for Architects and Builders.  This edition featured drawings, floor plans and bills of materials for homes in a number of price ranges.  The intent of the magazine was to provide professional guidance for the construction industry.  Plans were based both on actual and concept homes.


Price per print: Print Only:  $95
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $150
Dimensions: Print Only:  10 x 15-1/2 inches
Matted:  16 x 20 inches
Type of print: Original chromolithograph
Year: 1880s-1890s

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Cottage (No. 60640001)
A Cottage of
Moderate Cost
Residence (No. 60640018)
Two Cottages of
Moderate Cost
Residence (No. 60640013)
Dwelling for
Four Thousand Dollars
Residence (No. 60640011)
Cottage for
Twelve Hundred Dollars
Residence (No. 60640021)
Dwelling of
Moderate Cost

Residence (No. 60640020)
Cottage for
One Thousand Dollars
Residence (No. 60640016)
Field Stone Residence
Residence (No. 60640012)
Cottage of
Moderate Cost
Cottage (No. 60640006)
A Cottage
near Portland, Maine
Residence (No. 60640014)
Residence at
Edgewater, IL