Antique Bird Egg Prints - White Color
Antique Bird Egg Prints - White Color
(England, 1896)
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On this page we feature a selection of original antique White Bird Egg prints.  The engraved prints are from a late 1800s edition of the Rev. F. O. Morris's guide to the Nests and Eggs of British Birds.  Following is a review of the guide from the 1800s: "This work gives the fullest information respecting the localities and construction of their nests, the number and peculiarities of their eggs, and all the instruction requisite for determining to what species they belong.  Each egg is figured and minutely described, and a number of nests are accurately drawn from specimens."

The Bird Egg prints were produced through an engraving process.  Each print is provided with a copy of the accompanying text page authored by the Rev. Morris.


Price per print: Print Only:  $35
Matting Charge:  $20
Framing & Matting Charge:  $110
Dimensions: Print Only:  6-1/2 x 10 inches
Matted:  12 x 16 inches
Type of print: Original color engraving
Year: 1896
Other details: Includes accompanying page of text

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Bird Egg Prints - Eagle (No. 21720004)
Plate 4
Golden Eagle
Bird Egg Prints - Owl (No. 21720022)
Plate 22
Short-eared Owl, Long-eared Owl
Bird Egg Prints - Owl (No. 21720023)
Plate 23
Eagle Owl, Scops-eared Owl
Bird Egg Prints - Titmouse (No. 21720032)
Plate 32
Crested Titmouse

Bird Egg Prints - Chough (No. 21720042)
Plate 42
Bird Egg Prints - Creeper (No. 21720052)
Plate 52
Wryneck, Creeper, Wall Creeper
Bird Egg Prints - Woodpecker (No. 21720053)
Plate 53
Black Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker
Bird Egg Prints - Swallow (No. 21720061)
Plate 61

Bird Egg Prints - Pigeon (No. 21720134)
Plate 134
Wood Pigeon, Stock Dove
Bird Egg Prints - Dove (No. 21720135)
Plate 135
Rock Dove, Turtle Dove
Bird Egg Prints - Pigeon (No. 21720136)
Plate 136
Passenger Pigeon
Bird Egg Prints - Partridge (No. 21720143)
Plate 143
Virginian Partridge, Barbary Partridge

Bird Egg Prints - Bittern (No. 21720161)
Plate 161
Little Bittern, American Bittern
Bird Egg Prints - Goose (No. 21720183)
Plate 183
Grey-lag Goose, Bean Goose
Bird Egg Prints - Goose (No. 21720185)
Plate 185
Bernacle Goose, Brent Goose
Bird Egg Prints - Hooper (No. 21720187)
Plate 187

Bird Egg Prints - Shieldrake (No. 21720189)
Plate 189
Shieldrake, Ruddy Shieldrake
Bird Egg Prints - Pintail Duck (No. 21720190)
Plate 190
Shoveler, Gadwall, Pintail
Bird Egg Prints - Eider (No. 21720192)
Plate 192
American Wigeon, Steller's Eider
Bird Egg Prints - Grebe (No. 21720201)
Plate 201
Great Crested Grebe, Red-necked Grebe

Bird Egg Prints - Guillemot (No. 21720207)
Plate 207
Brunnich's Guillemot, Ringed Guillemot
Bird Egg Prints - Puffin (No. 21720209)
Plate 209
Little Auk, Puffin
Bird Egg Prints - Fulmar (No. 21720230)
Plate 230
Fulmar (Tubenosed Seabird)
Bird Egg Prints - Petrel (No. 21720232)
Plate 232
Storm Petrel, Wilson's Petrel, Fork-tailed Petrel