Botanical Encyclopedia Prints - Germany
Botanical Encyclopedia Prints
from Germany
(Germany, late 1800s)
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The Botanical encyclopedia prints on this page are from Konversations-Lexicon, a "dictionary of general knowledge" published in Germany in the 1800s.

The prints are noteworthy for their detail, richness in coloring through the chromolithograph printing process, and diversity of botanical subjects.

The dictionary was originally published by Joseph Meyer (1796-1856) who founded the Bibliopgraphisches Instituit in 1826.  His aim was to publish a universal encyclopedia for a broad audience including people with a general knowledge of many subjects as well as businesspeople, technicians and scholars.


Price per print: Print Only:  As shown
Matting Charge:  $25
Framing & Matting Charge:  $135
Dimensions: Print Only:  11 x 9 inches
Matted:  14 x 16 inches
Type of print: Original chromolithograph
Year: late 1800s

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Mushroom Print (No. 61310101)
Fruit Print (No. 61310102)
Tropical Fruit
(Tropische Fruchte)
Water Lily Print (No. 61310103)
Water Plants

Pear Print (No. 61310104)
Fern Print (No. 61310105)
Tropical Plant Print (No. 61310106)
Tropical Forest


Palm Print (No. 61310107)
Leafy Plants - 1
Palm Print (No. 61310108)
Leafy Plants - 2
Carniverous Plant Print (No. 61310109)
Carniverous Plants
(Fliegen und Schneckenblumen)

Begonia Print (No. 61310110)
Garden Plants
(Entstehung der Gartenpflanzen)
Garden Layout Print (No. 61310111)
Garden Layouts

Cactus Print (No. 61310112)

Shore Plant Print (No. 61310113)
Shore Plants

Parasitic Plant Print (No. 61310114)
Parasitic Plants

Steppes Plant Print (No. 61310115)
Plants of the Steppes

Poisonous Plant Print (No. 61310116)
Poisonous Plants
Mediterranean Plant Print (No. 61310117)
Mediterranean Plants
Desert Plant Print (No. 61310118)
Desert Plants

Epiphyte Plant Print (No. 61310119)
Epiphytes - Plants growing on other plants
Foxglove Print (No. 61310120)
Show Flowers
Mimosa Print (No. 61310121)
Sensitive Plants