Botanical Prints - Floricultural Cabinet (1833-1834)

Botanical Prints
from The Floricultural Cabinet

(England, 1833-1834)
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These hand-colored prints are from early editions of The Floricultural Cabinet, edited by Joseph Harrison.

The magazine featured articles on different varieties of flowers found in British gardens, answers to readers questions on the care of their flowers and other gardening issues, and synopsis of articles found in other horticultural magazines of the period including Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Paxton's Magazine of Botany and Benjamin Maund's Botanic Garden.

As an example of advice provided to the gardener, following  is "the most effectual method of destroying ants that we have ever tried":

     "Take equal quantities of loaf sugar, arsenic, and finely powdered dried bread; rub them
     together in a mortar till they are very well mixed.  This should be kept in a bottle, in readiness
     for laying small quantities near their haunts.  Great care is requisite in the use of this mixture
     for it is injurious to vegetable as well as animal life."


Price per print: Print Only:  As shown
Matting Charge:  $20
Framing & Matting Charge:  $100
Dimensions: Print Only:  5 x 8 inches
Matted:  11 x 14 inches
Type of print: Original hand-colored engraving
Year: 1833-1834
Other details: Includes copy of accompanying text page

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Camellia (No. 11680001)
Levick's Commander in Chief Camellia

Camelllia (No. 11680002)
Levick's Beauty of Sheffield Camellia

Carnation (No. 11680003)
Carnation, Campion,
Calceolaria, Monkey-flower
Ladybell (No. 11680004)
Butterwort, Speedwell,
Oxalis, Ladybell
Pink (No. 11680005)
Gillia, Pink,
Rock-purslane, Calceolaria

Fuchsia (No. 11680006)
Millfoil, Speedwell,
Calophanes, Fuchsia
Speedwell (No. 11680008)
Speedwell, Centranthus,
Sparaxis, Slipperwort
Iris (No. 11680009)
Oxalis, Lupin, Sage, Iris

Spirea (No. 11680010)
Salpiglossis, Spirea, Ipomea

Formosa (No. 11680011)
Burnard's Formosa


Tulip (No. 11680012)
Miss Fanny Kemble Tulip

Pansy (No. 11680013)
Pansies, Fuchsia, Polyanthus

Geranium (No. 11680014)
Geranium, Fuchsia

Heart's-ease (No. 11680015)
Heart's-ease, Slipper Flower,
Passionflower (No. 11680016)
Leptosiphon, Passionflower