Children's Song Prints from France (early 1900s)
Children's Song Prints
from France
(France, early 1900s)
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These colorful prints are from an early-1900s (we estimate c. 1920s) songbook published in France - Collection of Children's Songs.  The songs feature the words for each song, accompanied by whimsical illustrations from the illustrator B. Frings.


Price per print: Print Only:  $120
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $150
Dimensions: Print Only:  10 x 15 inches
Matted:  16 x 20 inches
Type of print: Original color lithograph
Year: early 1900s

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Songs (No. 70220001)
La Queue Leu Leu
(Leu Leu's Procession)

Songs (No. 70220002)
Un Deux Trois, Nous Irons au Bois
(One, two, three, we are
going to the forest)

Songs (No. 70220003)
J'ai des Poules a Vendre
(I have chickens to sell)

Songs (No. 70220004)
Ah! Vous Dirai - Je Maman?

Songs (No. 70220005)
Savez-vous Planter des Choux


Songs (No. 70220006)
Il etait une Bergere

Songs (No. 70220007)
Nous n'Irons plus au Bois

Songs (No. 70220008)
Ah! Mon Beau Chateau
(My beautiful castle)

Songs (No. 70220009)
Marlbrough s'en va t'en Guerre
(Marlbrough goes to war)

Songs (No. 70220010)
Sur le Pont d'Avignon
(On the Avignon Bridge)

Songs (No. 70220011)
La Bonne Aventure
(The Good Adventure)

Songs (No. 70220012)
Frere Jacques
(Brother Jack)

Songs (No. 70220013)
Le Bon Roi Dagobert
(The Good King Dagobert)

Songs (No. 70220014)
Meunier tu Dors

Songs (No. 70220016)
Cadet Rousselle