North American Fish Prints - Sherman Denton
North American Fish Prints
by Sherman Denton
(United States, 1900-1902)
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From the late 1800s through early 1900s, the State of New York published an annual report on the status of Fisheries, Game and Forests in the state.  One of the "colorful" features of the reports were illustrations by Sherman Denton of Fish native to the waters of New York.  Prior to doing this work for the annual reports, Denton worked as an artist for the United States Fish Commission at the Smithsonian Institute.


Price per print: Print Only:  $95
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $140
Dimensions: Print Only:  11 x 8 inches
Matted:  14 x 18 inches
Type of print: Original chromolithograph
Year: 1900-1902

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Chub Print (No. 22290001)
Fall Fish (or Silver Chub)
Sucker Print (No. 22290002)
Brook Sucker
Menhaden Print (No. 22290003)

Bonito Print (No. 22290004)
Pickerel Print (No. 22290101)
Banded Pickerel
Mascalonge Print (No. 22290102)

Sunfish Print (No. 22290103)
Long Eared Sunfish
Red Snapper Print (No. 22290104)
Red Snapper
Porgy Print (No. 22290105)
Scup (or Porgy)

Bergall Print (No. 22290106)
Bergall (or Cunner)
Butterfish Print (No. 22290107)
Butter Fish
Fall Fish Print (No. 22290108)
Fall Fish, Dace, Sucker, Mummichog

Chub Print (No. 22290109)
Minnow, Silverside, Chub
Trout Print (No. 22290201)
Albino Brook Trout
Frostfish Print (No. 22290202)
Adirondack Frost Fish
(early 1900s)