Flower Fairy Prints - Flower Fairies of the Summer
Flower Fairies of the Summer
by Cicely Mary Barker
(England, c. 1930s)
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The Flower Fairy prints shown here are from Cicely Mary Barker's Flower Fairies of the Summer.  Barker, English poet and artist, authored the first of the Flower Fairy books in 1923.   The series features delightful illustrations of fairies with flowers of various seasons, gardens and trees.

The Flower Fairies of the Summer was first published in 1925.  These prints are from First or early editions of this work.

Each Flower Fairy print is accompanied with a copy of the poem authored by Cicely Mary Barker.


Price per print: Print Only:  $25
Matting Charge:  $20
Framing & Matting Charge:  $90
Dimensions: Print Only:  4 x 5-1/2 inches
Matted:  10 x 12 inches
Type of print: Original color print
Year: c. 1930s
Other details: Includes copy of accompanying poem

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Flower Fairy Print - Buttercup (No. 70670201)
Buttercup Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Herb Robert (No. 70670202)
Herb Robert Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Sorrel (No. 70670203)
Sorrel Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Forget-me-not (No. 70670204)
Forget-me-not Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Poppy (No. 70670205)
Poppy Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Foxglove (No. 70670206)
Foxglove Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Wild Rose (No. 70670207)
Wild Rose Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Convolvulus (No. 70670208)
Convolvulus Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Clover (No. 70670209)
White Clover Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Honeysuckle (No. 70670210)
Honeysuckle Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Trefoil (No. 70670211)
Bird's Foot Trefoil Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Nightshade (No. 70670212)
Nightshade Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Campion (No. 70670213)
White Campion Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Harebell (No. 70670214)
Harebell Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Heather (No. 70670215)
Heather Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Yarrow (No. 70670216)
Yarrow Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Toadflax (No. 70670217)
Toadflax Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Scabious (No. 70670218)
Scabious Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Thistle (No. 70670219)
Thistle Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Thyme (No. 70670220)
Wild Thyme Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Scarlet Pimpernel (No. 70670221)
Scarlet Pimpernel Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Knapweed (No. 70670222)
Greater Knapweed Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Traveler's Joy (No. 70670223)
Traveler's Joy Fairy

Flower Fairy Print - Ragwort (No. 70670224)
Ragwort Fairy