Forturne Magazine Maps and Graphics (1930-1934)
Fortune Magazine
Maps and Graphics
(United States, 1930-1934)
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In addition to featuring beautiful cover artwork, issues of Fortune magazine in the 1930s also included detailed and colorful maps and graphics to accompany the articles.

On this page we present a number of maps and graphics from early issues of Fortune dating from 1930 to 1934.

Many maps portray accurate geography relative to business - for example, the presence of International Telephone and Telegraph (IT&T) in South America.  Others take a bit of artistic license with the concept of a map - A Map of Beef to accompany an article in 1934 about beef processing at the Armour company.

As noted below, some map series are sold as a pair and not individually.

Click here to view the current online collection of Fortune covers from the 1930s.

Price per print: Print Only:  As shown
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $140
Dimensions: Print Only:  9-1/2 x 11-1/2 inches
Matted:  14 x 18 inches
Type of print: Original color print
Year: 1930-1934
Other details: Includes copy of magazine table of contents

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Pork (No. 60913001)
A Map of Pork

Railroad Map (No. 60913002)
Railroads of the West
Pittsburgh (No. 60913003)
Telecommunications Map (No. 60913004)
The IT&T in South America
Oil (No. 60913101)
Oil in the Orient

Electrical Power (No. 60913102)
Power in the East

Tobacco (No. 60913103)
Strawberries (No. 60913301)
Fragile Fragaria
(Strawberry Harvesting)
Bananas (No. 60913302)
(Banana and Sugar Plantations)
Beef (No. 60913401)
A Map of Beef

Fortune Maps Sold as a Pair
Skyscrapers (No. 60913005)
Skyscrapers (c. 1930)

Skyscrapers (No. 60913006)

Wall Street (No. 60913007)
The Map of Wall Street
Wall Street Map (No. 60913008)

Colonial France Map (No. 60913104)
Colonial Empire of France

Colonial France Map (No. 60913105)
Railroad Map (No. 60913106)
Big Four (Railroad Systems)
of Tomorrow
Railroad Map (No. 60913107)


Airline Map (No. 60913303)
Air Travel in the United States

Airline Map (No. 60913304)