French Provincial Costume Prints - Emile Gallois
French Provincial Costume Prints -
Illustrated by Émile Gallois
(France, 1936)
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These colorful prints are from a folio portraying the decorative costumes of French provinces.  The prints are based on illustrations by the French artist Émile Gallois (1882-1965).

The richness of the colors is due to the Pochoir process used to produce the prints.  Pochoir was a popular print making process in France in the early 1900s which uses stencils to expose areas to be colored, comparable to today's silk screening techniques.


Price per print: Print Only:  $65
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $140
Dimensions: Print Only:  8-1/2 x 12 inches
Matted:  14 x 18 inches
Type of print: Original color print
Year: 1936

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290001)
Plate 1
La Bretagne
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290002)
Plate 2
Le Languedoc
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290003)
Plate 3
La Corse
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290004)
Plate 4
La Guyenne

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290005)
Plate 5
Le Dauphiné
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290006)
Plate 6
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290007)
Plate 7
Le Lyonnais
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290008)
Plate 8
La Normandie

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290009)
Plate 9
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290010)
Plate 10
Comté de Foix
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290011)
Plate 11
La Flandre
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290012)
Plate 12
Le Bas-Poitou

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290013)
Plate 13
Le Maine
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290014)
Plate 14
La Marche
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290015)
Plate 15
La Lorraine
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290016)
Plate 16
Le Limousin

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290017)
Plate 17
Le Poitou
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290018)
Plate 18
La Savoier
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290019)
Plate 19
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290020)
Plate 20
La Picardie

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290021)
Plate 21
Comté de Nice
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290022)
Plate 22
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290023)
Plate 23
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290024)
Plate 24

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290025)
Plate 25
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290026)
Plate 26
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290027)
Plate 27
La Bourgogne
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290028)
Plate 28
Le Nivernais

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290029)
Plate 29
Le Roussillon
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290030)
Plate 30
La Provence
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290031)
Plate 31
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290032)
Plate 32
L'Ile de France

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290033)
Plate 33
Le Berry
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290034)
Plate 34
Le Bourbonnais
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290035)
Plate 35
La Saintonge
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290036)
Plate 36
Le Béarn

French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290037)
Plate 37
La Champagne
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290038)
Plate 38
La Gascogne
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290039)
Plate 39
La Touraine
French Provincial Costume Print (No. 61290040)
Plate 40
Province Basque