Pheasant, Partridge and Quail Prints (1898)
Pheasant, Partridge and
Quail Prints
(England, 1898)
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These Gamebird prints are from Lloyd's Natural History, a popular natural history series published in England in the late 1800s.  Included are Pheasant, Partridge, Quail and Grouse.

As noted in the preface, the aim of of the series was to be useful as a "scientific work of reference, but also a handy book for sportsman and field naturalists.  With its aid, they should be able not only to identify the birds, with as little trouble as possible, but also to find out what is known concerning the life history of each species."


Price per print: Print Only:  $25
Matting Charge:  $20
Framing & Matting Charge:  $100
Dimensions: Print Only:  4-1/2 x 7 inches
Matted:  11 x 14 inches
Type of print: Original chromolithograph
Year: 1898

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Grouse (No. 21750001)
Plate 1
Pallas' Three-toed

Sand Grouse
Grouse (No. 21750007)
Plate 7
Northern Sharp-tailed
Partridge (No. 21750010)
Plate 10
Spanish Red-legged
Partridge (No. 21750012)
Plate 12
Mountain Partridge
Partridge (No. 21750015)
Plate 15
Wood Partridge

Quail (No. 21750016)
Plate 16
Japanese Quail

Pheasant (No. 21750019)
Plate 19
Chamba Moonal Pheasant
Pheasant (No. 21750020)
Plate 20
Bulwer's Wattled Pheasant
Pheasant (No. 21750023)
Plate 23
Reeve's Pheasant
Pheasant (No. 21750024)
Plate 24
Golden Pheasant

Jungle Fowl (No. 21750025)
Plate 25
Javan Jungle Fowl

Jungle Fowl (No. 21750026)
Plate 26
Grey Jungle Fowl
Pheasant (No. 21750027)
Plate 27
Grey Peacock Pheasant
Pheasant (No. 21750028)
Plate 28
Napoleon's Peacock
Turkey (No. 21750031)
Plate 31
Honduras Turkey