Roman Costumes and Customs Prints by Bartolomeo Pinelli
Roman Costumes and
Customs Prints by Bartolomeo Pinelli
(Italy, 1816)
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These engraved prints depict customs, costumes and street scenes in Rome and and the Latium region of Italy.  The prints are based on illustrations by the Roman-born artist and engraver Bartolomeo Pinelli (1781-1835) and were part of a folio dating to 1816.



Price per print: Print Only:  $130
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $150
Dimensions: Print Only:  15 x 10-1/2 inches
Matted:  16 x 20 inches
Type of print: Original engraving with added hand coloring
Year: 1816

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Italy (No. 60650003)
Plate 3

The Grape Harvest

(La Vendemmia)
Italy (No. 60650007)
Plate 7

The Dancing Bear
(Il Ballo dell Orso)
Italy (No. 60650008)
Plate 8

Street Food Vendor
(Il Friggitore)
Italy (No. 60650012)
Plate 12

Roman Bocci Game
(Il gioco di boccia di Roma)
Italy (No. 60650018)
Plate 18

Roman Women Quarreling
(Lite di Femmine in Roma)

Italy (No. 60650022)
Plate 22

Hermit collecting contributions

for the Church
(Eremita che fa bagiare una Reliquia)
Italy (No. 60650027)
Plate 27

The Blind Singer
(Il Cieco che Canta e Suona)
Italy (No. 60650030)
Plate 30

Costumes of Albano
(Costumi di Albano)
Italy (No. 60650031)
Plate 31

Costumes of Rome
(Costumi di Roma)
Italy (No. 60650033)
Plate 33

Street scene in Tivoli
(Le Litanie a Tivoli)

Italy (No. 60650041)
Plate 41

The Meat Seller
(Il Carnecciaro)
Italy (No. 60650042)
Plate 42

Family and their donkey
leaving town
(Famiglia di Ciociari partendo dal loro Paese)
Italy (No. 60650044)
Plate 44

Montanara Piazza in Rome
(Piazza Montanara Roma)
Italy (No. 60650045)
Plate 45

The Watermelon Seller
(Il Cocommeraro)
Italy (No. 60650049)
Plate 49

Roman Carnival
(Il Carnevale in Roma)