Night Before Christmas Prints - Margaret Evans Price
Night Before Christmas -
Illustrated by Margaret Evans Price
(United States, 1917)
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The beautiful children's Christmas prints shown on this page accompanied a 1917 edition of Clement C. Moore's holiday poem The Night Before Christmas, originally published on December 23, 1823 in the Troy (New York) Sentinel with the title A Visit from St. Nicholas.

The prints are based on illustrations by the American artist Margaret Evans Price (1888-1973).  In addition to being an artist and children's book illustrator, Price was a toy manufacturer.  She co-founded Fisher-Price toys in 1930 with her husband (Irving) and Herman Fisher.  One of their original line of toys was based on characters from her children's books.


Price per print: Print Only:  $45
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $140
Dimensions: Print Only:  7 x 13 inches
Matted:  14 x 18 inches
Type of print: Original color lithograph
Year: 1917

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Night Before Christmas Print (No. 70690001)
I sprang from my bed
to see what was the matter
Night Before Christmas Print (No. 70690002)
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave a lustre of midday to objects below
Night Before Christmas Print (No. 70690003)
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came
With a bound

Night Before Christmas Print (No. 70690004)
He was dressed all in fur
From his head to his foot
Night Before Christmas Print (No. 70690005)
He was chubby and plump
A right jolly old elf
Night Before Christmas Print (No. 70690006)
He sprang to his sleigh
To his team gave a whistle