Porchoir Prints by Guy Arnoux
Porchoir Prints
by Guy Arnoux
(France, 1920s)
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These delightful prints are from Le Bon Anglais (The Good English), a brochure published in France in the 1920s to thank the British for their help during the First World War. The illustrations are by the French illustrator Guy Arnoux. The prints portray a variety of soldiers in different "peace time" settings.


Price per print: Print Only:  $90
Matting Charge:  $15
Framing & Matting Charge:  $85
Dimensions: Print Only:  6 x 4-1/2 inches
Matted:  10 x 12 inches
Type of print: Original porchoir print
Year: 1920s
Other details: Includes copy of accompanying text page.

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

WW I (No. 60140001)
Plate 1
In Time of Peace

WW I (No. 60140002)
Plate 2
First Contact
WW I (No. 60140003)
Plate 3
The Sub Lieutenant
WW I (No. 60140004)
Plate 4
The Indoos
WW I (No. 60140005)
Plate 5
Black Watch

WW I (No. 60140006)
Plate 6
The Captain and The Nurse

WW I (No. 60140007)
Plate 7
The Irish
WW I (No. 60140008)
Plate 8
The Major
WW I (No. 60140009)
Plate 9
The Mascotte
WW I (No. 60140010)
Plate 10
Ship Ahoy!

WW I (No. 60140011)
Plate 11
The Good Scotchman

WW I (No. 60140012)
Plate 12
God Save The King