Songbird Prints - Birds of Europe - Charles Bree (1859)
Songbird Prints from
Charles Bree's Birds of Europe
(England, 1859)
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These hand-colored Songbird prints are from the first edition of Charles Bree's (1811-1886) Birds of Europe - Not Observed in the British Isles.  The birds portrayed include Warblers, Larks, Redstarts, Nightingales and Kinglets.

The printing of the plates was done in England by Benjamin Fawcett (1808-1893).

The prints are provided with the accompanying text pages, authored by Bree, which describes each species of bird and their habits.


Price per print: Print Only:  $45
Matting Charge:  $20
Framing & Matting Charge:  $110
Dimensions: Print Only:  5-1/2 x 9-1/2 inches
Matted:  12 x 16 inches
Type of print: Original hand-colored lithograph (over 150 years old)
Year: 1859
Other details: Includes copy of accompanying text pages

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Bird Prints - - Redstart (No. 22170001)
Guldenstadt's Redstart

Bird Prints - - Redstart (No. 22170002)
Grey Redstart

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170003)
Swedish Blue-throated Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170004)
Ruppell's Warbler


Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170005)
Spectacled Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170006)
Sardinian Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170007)
Sub-Alpine Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170008)
Olivaceous Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170009)
Black-throated Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170010)
Marsh Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170011)
Booted Reed Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170012)
Aquatic Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170013)
River Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170014)
Bonelli's Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170015)
Cetti's Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170016)
Fantail Warbler


Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170017)
Moustached Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170018)
Barred Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170019)
Olive Tree Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170020)
Ruby-throated Warbler


Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170021)
Marmora's Warbler

Bird Prints - - Warbler (No. 22170022)
Vieillot's Warbler

Bird Prints - - Lark (No. 22170023)
Siberian Lark

Bird Prints - - Lark (No. 22170024)
Dupont's Lark

Bird Prints - - Lark (No. 22170025)
Desert Lark

Bird Prints - - Lark (No. 22170026)
Black Lark

Bird Prints - - Nightingale (No. 22170027)
Thrush Nightingale

Bird Prints - - Kinglet (No. 22170028)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet