Tale of Tabby Cat Prints - Marjorie Manners
Tale of Tabby Cat by Marjorie Manners
(United States, 1918)
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These delightful prints tell the tale of Mrs. Tabby Cat and her three children.   The illustrations are based on drawings by the English artist Lady Marjorie Manners (1883-1946) who also authored the accompanying story.


Price per print: Print Only:  $30
Matting Charge:  $20
Framing & Matting Charge:  $90
Dimensions: Print Only:  5 x 6-1/2 inches
Matted:  10 x 12 inches
Type of print: Original color print
(over 75 years old)
Year: 1918

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620001)
Mrs. Tabby Cat had three children

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620002)
Down the street went the three kittens

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620003)
Just then the dog sprang against the fence

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620004)
He went to the blackboard to do his sums

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620005)
Toodles watered the sunflower faithfully every day

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620006)
Come over here and see what I have raised


Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620007)
The naughty kitten was helping himself to jam

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620008)
Each of them wore a three-cornered paper hat

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620009)
The kitten had red paint on his coat, cap and face

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620010)
They ran toward home as fast as they could scamper

Tale of Tabby Cat Print (No. 70620011)
I suppose kittens will be kittens