Rose Prints by Paul Hariot (1885)
Rose Prints by Paul Hariot
(France, 1885)
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These beautiful Rose prints are from the French folio Le Livre D'Or des Roses (The Golden Book of Roses) published in Paris in 1885.  The illustrations are by the botanical artist Paul Hariot and feature varieties of Roses grown in French gardens.   In addition to the plates, the folio contained textual background on the history and culture of the Rose.


Price per print: Print Only:  $175
Matting Charge:  $30
Framing & Matting Charge:  $140
Dimensions: Print Only:  9-1/2 x 12 inches
Matted:  14 x 18 inches
Type of print: Original chromolithograph
Year: 1885

Click on any image to see an enlargement of the print

Roses (No. 11520014)
Plate 14
William Allen Richardson

Roses (No. 11520015)
Plate 15
Mistress Bosanquet
Roses (No. 11520026)
Plate 26
Deuil du Prince Albert
Roses (No. 11520032)
Plate 32
Francois Michelon
Roses (No. 11520045)
Plate 45
Madame Lacharme

Roses (No. 11520046)
Plate 46
Madame Scipion Cochet

Roses (No. 11520049)
Plate 49
Marechal Vaillant
Roses (No. 11520057)
Plate 57
Princesse Mary of Cambridge
Roses (No. 11520058)
Plate 58
Coquette des Blanches
Roses (No. 11520060)
Plate 60